





璩路路,讲师、硕士生导师,2020年12月毕业于北京师范大学理学博士,主要从事土地资源管理、城乡转型、乡村振兴、减贫与发展以及地理学与社会科学的交叉关联研究。近年来在Land Use PolicyHabitat InternationalEcological IndicatorsEnvironmental Impact Assessment ReviewLand Degradation &DevelopmentJournal of Geographical SciencesChinese Geographical Science《地理研究》、《资源科学》、《经济地理》、《自然资源学报》等国内外高水平SSCI/CSSCI发表论文40余篇,其中一作/通讯32篇,总引用次数>500。主持国家自然科学基金、重庆市社科基金项目等,作为核心骨干参与国家社科基金重大项目、国家自然科学基金重大项目、中国科学院“美丽中国”科技先导专项等。专(译、参)著共3部在科学出版社等出版。












(4)Land Use PolicyHabitat InternationalJournal of Rural StudiesGeography and SustainabilityEnvironmental Impact Assessment ReviewCitiesJournal of Cleaner ProductionEcological IndicatorsEcological ModellingLand Degradation & Development资源科学、农业资源与环境学报、农业环境科学学报等20余本国内外知名期刊审稿专家。

















[1]Qu L., Li Y., Yang F.,et al(2024).Assessing sustainable transformation and development strategies for gully agricultural production: A case study in the Loess Plateau of China.Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 104, 107325.(SSCI, Q1)

[2]Qu L., Wang J., Li Y (2024).Housing-industry transformation development and rural revitalization path based on complex adaptive system in Three Gorges Reservoir Area of China.Ecological Indicators, 112008. (SCI, Q1)

[3]Qu, L., Liu, Y., Li, Y.,et al(2023). Sustainable use of gully agricultural land and water resources for sustainable development goals: A case study in the Loess Plateau of China.Land Degradation &Development, 2023,1–15.(SCI, Q2)

[4]Qu L., Li Y., Wang Y.,et al(2022). Dynamic evolution and the mechanism of modern gully agriculture regional function in the Loess Plateau,Journal of Geographical Sciences,32(11): 2229- 2250.(SCI, Q1)

[5]Qu L.*, Li Y., Chen Z.,et al(2022). Exploring the spatiotemporal variation characteristics and influencing factors of gully agricultural production transformation in the Chinese Loess Plateau.Land Use Policy, 123,106367.(SSCI, Q1)

[6]Qu L., Li Y., Huang Y.,et al(2021). Analysis of the spatial variations of determinants of gully agricultural production transformation in the Chinese Loess Plateau and its policy implications.Land,10(9): 901.(SSCI, Q2)

[7]Qu L., Li Y., Feng W (2020).Spatial-temporal differentiation of ecologically-sustainable land across selected settlements in China: An urban-rural perspective.Ecological Indicators,105783.(SCI, Q1)

[8]Qu L., Huang Y., Yang L.,et al(2020).Vegetation restoration in response to climatic and anthropogenic changes in the Loess Plateau, China.Chinese Geographical Science,30(8). 89-100.(SCI, Q2)

[9]Qu L., Liu Y., Chen Z. (2019). Spatio-temporal evolution of Ecologically-sustainable land use in China's Loess Plateau and detection of its influencing factors.Journal of Mountain Science,16(5):1065-1574.(SCI, Q2)

[10]Wang Y.,Qu L.*, Wang J.,et al(2022). Sustainable revitalization and green development practices in China’s northwest arid areas: a case study of Yanchi county, Ningxia.Land, 11, 1902. (SSCI, Q2)

[11]Zhou Z., Tan L., ,Qu L. *et al(2024). The impact of rural land transfer on the living satisfaction of middle-aged rural residents and the implications: A perspective of land attachment,Habitat International, 148,1030385.(SSCI, Q1)

[12]Wang, X.,Qu, L. *, Zhang, X.,et al(2024). Identifying the spatiotemporal dynamics of PM2.5concentration and its implications for National Sustainable Development Experimental Zone of China.Environmental and Sustainability Indicators, 100428. (SCI, Q1)

[13]Wang J.,Qu L. *, Li Y.,et al(2023). Identifying the structure of rural regional system and implications for rural revitalization: A case study of Yanchi County in northern China,Land Use Policy, 124,106436.(SSCI, Q1)

[14]璩路路,李裕瑞,王介勇(2023).黄土丘陵沟壑区农业生产情景模拟及优化.地理研究,42(6):1647-1662. (CSSCI&CSCD)


[16]璩路路,李裕瑞(2022).黄土高原沟道农业系统与优化模式.自然资源学报,37(12):3252-3266. (CSSCI&CSCD)


[18]璩路路,李裕瑞,李明洋,等(2022).基于ML分析的乡村空间发展模式识别与振兴途径研究.干旱区资源与环境, 36(05):25-32.(CSSCI&CSCD)



[21]璩路路,王永生,刘彦随,等(2021).乡村振兴导向的水土资源承载力评价及其优化.自然资源学报,36(02):300-314. (CSSCI&CSCD)

[22]璩路路,李裕瑞,李琳娜,等(2019).农牧交错带乡村空间发展类型及影响因素研究.经济地理, 39(10):153-161. (CSSCI&CSCD)

[23]璩路路,刘彦随,周扬,等(2019).罗霄山区生态用地时空演变及其生态系统服务功能的响应:以井冈山为例.生态学报, 39(10):3468-3481.(CSCD)

[24]璩路路,李裕瑞,刘彦随(2019).基于村镇空间“物-场”模型的乡村聚落布局优化研究.经济地理, 39(04):174-181. (CSSCI&CSCD)

[25]璩路路,师学义,王博钰(2019).基于改进SPA-Markov的压煤山丘区生态演变及评价:以长河流域为例.生态环境学报,28(02):291-298. (CSCD)

[26]璩路路,师学义,刘畅(2017).基于能值的资源型城市新陈代谢过程对比分析,水土保持研究,24(1) :279-284. (CSCD)

[27]璩路路,师学义,石立豪(2017).基于流域尺度的土地整治工程分区研究,中国人口资源与环境,27(5):239-243. (CSSCI&CSCD)

[28]璩路路,师学义,荣联伟(2016).县域耕地整治潜力评价,中国人口资源与环境, 26(5):239-243. (CSSCI&CSCD)


《面向乡村振兴的盐池县水土资源态势与可持续利用》(中国农业出版社, 2022)(副主编)

《中国城镇化与农业农村发展论》(科学出版社, 2020)(参著)
