张金凤 职 称:副教授/硕士生导师 研究方向:行为公共管理、公共人力资源管理、社会治理 联系方式:psyzhangjf@cqu.edu.cn |
张金凤,行政管理系主任,主要研究方向为行为公共管理、公共人力资源管理、社会治理、社会保障等,研究成果发表在Public Administration、Public Management Review、Journal of Public Policy、International Public Management Journal、Public Performance & Management Review、《中国行政管理》等国内外高水平期刊。可关注微信公众号“行为公共管理Lab”了解更多有关行为公共管理的信息。
[1]Wang Y., Zhang S.,Zhang J.*(2025).The impact of descriptive social norms on coproduction: How communication frames matter.Public Management Review, onlinefirst publication.
[2]Liu B., Jia Y.,Zhang J.*(2025). How institutional pressures influence the blame avoidance behavior of civil servants in China.Public Performance & Management Review,onlinefirst publication.
[3]Zhang J., Wen X., Mao H., Xu R., Zhang S.*(2024). Does public officials’ risk preference differ in self versus public decision-making? It depends on decision framing and bet size.Public Administration, onlinefirst publication.
[4]Wang Y.,Zhang J.*(2024). Promoting Citizens' willingness to participate in coproduction in public service through information frames.Public Administration,102, 479-499.
[5]Liu B., Lin S., He S.,Zhang J.*(2024). Encourage or impede? The relationship between trust in government and coproduction.Public Management Review, 26 (12), 3501-3528.
[6]Liu B., Lin S., Yuan X., He S.,Zhang J.*(2024). Nudge citizen participation by framing mobilization information: a survey experiment in China.Journal of Chinese Governance, 9(1), 78-103.
[7]Jia Y., Liu B.,Zhang J.*(2024). Impact of supply–demand matching on citizen satisfaction: Analysis based on expectancy disconfirmation model.Journal of Chinese Governance, 9(2), 221-243.
[8]Liu B., He S., Yu W., Chen Y., Hu X.,Zhang J.*(2024). Can transparency promote citizen compliance in China? The role of justice and social identification.International Public Management Journal, 27 (5), 788-808.
[9]Zhang J., Qin Z., Cen J., Liu B.* (2024). Restoring the Truth: Anchoring Effects and Debiasing Interventions on Citizen Satisfaction.Public Performance & Management Review, 47 (3), 681-708.
[10]Liu B., He S., Lin S.,Zhang J.*, Xue B. (2023). How usability of policy transparency promotes citizen compliance: evidence from a survey experiment.Journal of Chinese Governance, 8(4), 473-497.
[11]Liu B., Qin Z.,Zhang J.*(2023). The effect of psychological bias on public officials’ attitudes towards the implementation of policy instruments: evidence from survey experiments.Journal of Public Policy, 43(2), 261-283.
[12]Liu B., Qin Z.,Zhang J.*(2022). Cognitive bias in citizens’ perceptions of government performance in response to COVID-19: Evidence from a large-scale survey experiment in China.International Public Management Journal, 25(7), 1072-1093
[13]Liu B., Lin S., Wang Q., Chen Y.,Zhang J.* (2021). Can local governments’ disclosure of pandemic information decrease residents’ panic when facing COVID-19 in China?International Public Management Journal, 24(2), 203-221.
[14]张书维,张晓会,张金凤*(2023).公共服务动机的曲线效应:个体-组织匹配的调节作用.中国行政管理, (9), 36-46.
[15]张金凤.(2024).“为”与“不为”:多重利益情境下基层公务员的决策心理机制——一种行为公共管理的视角.行政论坛, (05), 63-71.
[1]Zhang J., Wen X., Zhou M.* (2025).Actor, partner, and similarity effects of personality on knowledge sharing: does gender make a difference?Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 23(1), 63-76.
[2]Zhang J.*, Li D. (2023). Dyadic effects of work overcommitment on depression in dual-earner couples: based on the actor–partner interdependence model.Psychology, Health & Medicine, 28(9), 2430-2440.
[3]Zhang J*, Wang B. (2022). Rural place attachment and urban community integration of Chinese older adults in rural-to-urban relocation.Ageing & Society,42(6), 1299-1317.
[4]Zhang J.*, Wang Y., Li R., Li C. (2022): Depressive ruminationand life satisfaction among institution-dwelling Chinese older adults: The roles of perceivedburdensomeness and social support from individuals within the institution.Aging & Mental Health,26(6), 1170-1177.
[5]Zhang J.*, Wang Y., Zhou M.*, Ke J. (2022). Community resilience and anxiety among Chinese older adults during COVID-19: The moderating role of trust in local government.Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 32(3), 411-422.
[6]Zhang J.*, Wang Y., Zhou M.*(2022). Community resilience and psychological distress in Chinese older adults amid COVID-19: The roles of perceived community prevention effectiveness and risk perception.Aging & Mental Health, 26(7), 1426-1435.
[7]Wang Y.,Zhang J.*, Wang B., Fu H. (2020). Social support from adult children, parent–child relationship, emotion regulation strategy, and depressive symptoms among Chinese older adults.Research on Aging, 42(9-10): 281-290.
[8]Zhang J.*(2020). Tenacious goal pursuit, flexible goal adjustment, and life satisfaction among Chinese older adult couples.Research on Aging, 42(1): 13-22.
[9]Zhang J.*, Zhou M., Yu X., Zhang J. (2019). Future time perspective and well-being in Chinese older adults: Moderating role of age stereotypes.Research on Aging, 41(7): 631-647.
[10]Zhang J.*(2019). How community participation promotes the relocation adjustment of older women: A moderated mediation analysis.Social Indicators Research, 143: 637-655.
[11]Zhang J., Zhang J., Zhou M.*, Yu X.* (2018). Neighborhood characteristics and older adults' well-being: The roles of sense of community and personal resilience.Social Indicators Research, 137: 949-963.
[12]Zhang J., Yu X., Zhang J., Zhou M.* (2018). Age stereotypes, flexible goal adjustment, and well-being among Chinese older adults.Psychology, Health & Medicine, 23(2): 210-215.
[13]Zhang J., Yu X.*, Zhang J., Zhou M.* (2017). Sense of community and life satisfaction in Chinese older adults: Moderating roles of personal and partner resilience.Journal of Community Psychology, 45(5): 577-586.
[14]Zhang J., Yu X., Zhou M., Zhang J.* (2017). Dyadic effects of resilience on well-being in Chinese older couples: Mediating role of spousal support.Journal of Family Psychology, 31(3): 273-281.
[16]张金凤*,林森(2019).老年夫妻的老化刻板印象对死亡焦虑的行动者效应和对象效应.心理科学, 42(2):372-378.
[17]张金凤*,汪彦(2018).目标坚持性和目标灵活性对老年夫妻幸福感的影响:基于行动者-对象互依性模型.心理发展与教育, 34(6): 750-757.