In order to further broaden the horizons of teachers and students, explore academic interests, and inspire scientific research ideas, at 10:00 a.m. on March 4, 2022, the School of Public Administration and Policy (SPPA) at Chongqing University held an online lecture with the theme of "Understanding Each Other Without Language: The Causes and Consequences of Tacit Understanding". The keynote speaker of this lecture is Professor Chen Xiaoping, Ph.D. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology at University of Illinois, Academician of the American Academy of Management, and Academician of the American Psychological Association. The lecture was presided over by Professor Liu Yulin, Associate Dean of SPPA.
Professor Chen Xiaoping immersed herself in teaching and research, and was the deputy dean and director of organizational management in Foster Business School at the University of Washington, USA. Her academic research involved many fields such as organizational behavior and human resource management, and her academic papers were published in top journals of management and psychology, such as AMJ, AMR, JAP, OBHDP, JPSP, etc.

In this lecture, Chen Xiaoping first introduced "What is Tacit Understanding" from the perspective of daily life and work, showed the concept of tacit understanding in a vivid way, and put forward many thought-provoking academic questions. Subsequently, Professor Chen led everyone to discuss the causes and consequences of the formation of tacit understanding, pointed out the driving factors and necessary conditions for the formation of tacit understanding, and emphasized the positive results of tacit understanding such as generating positive emotions, improving work efficiency and alleviating work obstacles.
Professor Chen explained those sophisticated academic terms into an easy-to-understand way, teachers and students of SPPA asked questions on relevant issues, Chen Xiaoping made detailed answers and in-depth exchanges, encouraged the students to have the courage to think, dare to innovate, find academic inspiration from the phenomena of real life, pay attention to the new topics of Chinese organizational management, and put forward a new vision for the study of organizational behavior.
Finally, Professor Liu Yulin made a concluding speech, sincerely thanked Chen Xiaoping for her sharing, and looked forward to more in-depth exchanges and cooperation in the future.
More than 80 teachers and students of SPPA attended the lecture.