Zhang JinfengE-mail:psyzhangjf@cqu.edu.cn |
Zhang Jinfeng, Associate Professor, School of Public Policy and Administration, Chongqing University, China. Dr. Zhang has received good training in health psychology. Her research interest focuses on positive aging. With the ecological system framework, she concerns the influence of macro policy, social, community, family, and individual factors on positive aging. She has received several research grants and published several articles on the subject of Chinese older adults’ quality of life.
Zhang, J. F., & Wang, B. (2020). Rural place attachment and urban community integration of Chinese older adults in rural-to-urban relocation. Ageing & Society, online, doi:10.1017/S0144686X20001464.
Wang, Y., Zhang, J. F., Wang, B., & Fu , H. (2020). Social support from adult children, parent-child relationship, emotion regulation strategy, and depressive symptoms among Chinese older adults. Research on Aging, 42(9-10), 281-290.
Zhang, J. F. (2020). Tenacious goal pursuit, flexible goal adjustment, and life satisfaction among Chinese older adult couples. Research on Aging, 42(1), 13-22.
Zhang, J. F., Zhou, M.J., Yu, X.N., Zhang, J.X. (2019). Future time perspective and well-being in Chinese older adults: Moderating role of age stereotypes. Research on Aging, 41(7), 631-647.
Zhang, J. F. (2019). How community participation promotes the relocation adjustment of older women: A moderated mediation analysis. Social Indicators Research, 143, 637-655.